
Exceptional Concrete Nail Making Machine For Your Business

Our nail making machines excel in precision and efficiency, offering exceptional quality and reliability for your nail production needs

Explore Our Cutting-Edge Nail Making Machine

Awnail is a notable name in the concrete nail making machine industry, renowned for advanced technology and commitment to excellence. We excel in producing top-quality nail machines and integrating innovation. We aim to change the industry with machines that are not just tools, but partners in your business success. Our unique design and attention to detail set us apart in concrete nail making machines.

Awnail: Who We Are

Discover Our Journey

We’ve been at the forefront of making nail machines for 25 years, leading the way with our dedication to top-notch quality, precise engineering, and the latest technology. We’re proud to provide machines that are super efficient, flexible, and can be tailored to your needs, helping your nail production business thrive.

Inside Our Manufacturing Hub

Our huge, modern factory covers 137,890 square feet and is right at the center of where innovation happens. It’s filled with the latest tech and run by expert workers, making sure every nail machine we make is precise and reliable. We do everything from start to finish, which means we keep a close eye on quality and can customize machines just for you.

Our Research & Development Strengths

We’re leading the way in creating new nail machine technology, thanks to our team of experts who always look for ways to do things better. Our focus on research and development means we keep up with the latest trends and offer you the newest solutions. We’re really good at making machines that fit exactly what you need, quickly creating prototypes, and using the latest tech.

Certifications & Accolades

We’re proud of our top-notch certifications, showing our dedication to quality and excellence. Our machines are up to international standards, making sure they’re reliable, safe, and work well. We have ISO 9001 certification, giving you confidence in our commitment to the best quality nail making machines. Choose us for a reliable and certified choice in nail machine manufacturing.

Meet Our Expert Team of Nail Making Machine Innovators


Media Team

For content collaborations or to join our blog contributors, please contact [email protected]. Our Media Team is all about sharing our story in fun and interesting ways. They use pictures, videos, and stories to show off our cool nail machines to everyone.Thanks to them, people know and love what we do.


Design Team

Our designers make sure our machines not just do great work but also look good and are easy to use. They think about where to put buttons and how to make everything user-friendly, so you don’t need to be a tech whiz to use them. They want you to feel good using our machines, making sure they fit nicely in your workspace. Thanks to them, our machines are something you’ll get the hang of quickly and feel proud to have around.


Engineering Team

Our engineers are smart folks who know a lot about making things work better. They use cool new tech to make our nail machines do amazing things, like work faster or save more energy. They’re always checking and double-checking their work to make sure everything is just right. Because of them, our machines are super reliable and really advanced, making your job of making nails a lot easier.


Sales Team

Our Sales Team is your dedicated partner in acquiring the perfect nail making machine for your needs. With expert knowledge of our machines, they assist you in selecting the ideal solution for your production requirements. Your success is our priority, and our Sales Team is your trusted ally in optimizing your production processes.

Our Success Stories

Superior Nail Making Solutions

Quality Control Consistency

Our nail making machines ensure stable product quality with great nail appearance. They hardly ever make mistakes, keeping bad nails to almost none. If something goes wrong or a nail isn’t good enough, the machine will stop by itself. This stops the making of bad nails and keeps the nail quality high and consistent.

High Production Efficiency​

Our nail machines are super fast, making more than 1050 nails a minute. This speed is five times faster than regular nail machines. This means you can make a lot more nails faster, helping you grow your nail making business by making your production line quicker and more efficient.

Energy Consumption

Our nail machines are designed to use less energy. They have smart tech that cuts down on how much electricity they use. On average, making a ton of nails uses about 27 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. By using our machines, you save on electricity costs, making your nail making cheaper and better for the environment.

Accessories of Concrete Nail Making Machine

Concrete Nailing Gun

The concrete nailing gun is a vital tool for efficient and precise nail application in concrete surfaces. It allows for rapid and accurate driving of nails, significantly increasing the speed of construction and manufacturing processes. Designed for heavy-duty use, this tool is essential for businesses requiring reliable and consistent performance in demanding environments.

Concrete Nail Bar

A concrete nail bar is an essential accessory used for precise alignment and positioning of nails. Its strong design and comfortable grip facilitate easy handling and manipulation, guaranteeing accuracy in every use. Commonly used in construction and renovation projects, this tool is crucial for businesses aiming for perfection in their work.

Concrete Nail Driver

The concrete nail driver is specifically designed to deliver optimal force needed to securely fasten nails into tough concrete surfaces. Its high-strength construction and comfortable design ensure comfort and efficiency during use. This tool is particularly useful in construction projects where strong and deep nail insertion is required.

Concrete Nail Remover

A concrete nail remover is an essential tool for safely and efficiently extracting nails from concrete structures. Its design minimizes damage to the surrounding material, making it ideal for renovation or correction tasks. It is a must-have for businesses in construction and demolition, where nail removal is a frequent necessity.

Concrete Nail Hammer

The concrete nail hammer is designed for precise and easy nail placement into concrete. Its balanced weight distribution and durable construction ensure effective striking force, reducing user fatigue. This tool is widely used in both small-scale projects and large construction sites. Awnail’s commitment to quality is reflected in the exceptional performance of concrete nail hammer.

Concrete Nail Holder

The concrete nail holder is designed to organize and provide easy access to nails during construction projects. It offers secure storage, preventing accidental scattering or misplacement of nails, and enables quick retrieval, enhancing overall efficiency. This accessory is useful in large-scale projects where managing a high volume of nails is crucial.
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Concrete Nail Making Machine Price

The cost of concrete nail making machines typically falls within a range of $2,000 to $8,000, influenced by factors like production capacity, technology, and extra features. Prospective buyers should evaluate price points based on production needs and budget for an informed investment decision. Awnail offers top-quality performance of machines at competitive prices, ensuring exceptional value.

Features and Benefits of Concrete Nail Making Machine

Features of Concrete Nail Making Machine

Advanced Control Systems

These machines are equipped with advanced control systems, allowing for precise adjustments in nail size and production speed. These systems enable operators to quickly adapt to different production requirements, ensuring flexibility in nail manufacturing. The use of highly developed software also helps detect and fix problems, ensuring the machine operates smoothly without interruptions.

Multi-size Capability

One of the key features of these machines is their ability to produce nails in various sizes without the need for complex adjustments. This multi-size capability allows manufacturers to cater to a wide range of construction needs with a single machine. It is especially beneficial for businesses who require versatility in their product line to meet diverse market demands.

Low Noise Operation

Concrete nail making machines are designed to operate with minimal noise, making them suitable for use in environments where noise pollution is a concern. This low noise operation is achieved through advanced engineering and the use of noise-reduction materials. It enhances the working conditions for operators and is beneficial in areas with strict noise regulations.

Benefits of Concrete Nail Making Machine

Enhanced Precision and Consistency

These machines are designed to produce nails with enhanced precision and consistency, ensuring uniformity in every batch. This level of accuracy is vital for applications where nail dimensions and quality are critical. The consistent output not only improves the overall quality of the final product but also reduces the likelihood of product rejections due to manufacturing defects.

Reduced Waste and Higher Material Efficiency

One of the key benefits is the reduction of material waste during the nail production process. The precision and efficiency of these machines optimize raw material use, reducing waste, lowering costs, and minimizing the carbon footprint in manufacturing. Awnail is renowned for providing sustainable machines that benefit both its customers and the environment.

Easy Maintenance and Upkeep

These machines are designed for easy maintenance and upkeep, ensuring long-term, hassle-free operation. Routine maintenance tasks can be performed quickly and easily, often without needing specialized skills or tools. This ease of maintenance not only prolongs the machine’s lifespan but also minimizes downtime, ensuring consistent production output.

Applications of Concrete Nail Making Machine

Landscaping and Outdoor Structures

In landscaping and the construction of outdoor structures like gazebos and pergolas, these machines are commonly used. These machines produce nails that are ideal for securing wooden beams and panels in outdoor settings, where durability against weather elements is crucial. For example, in constructing a wooden gazebo, these nails are used to ensure a stable and weather-resistant structure.

Commercial Building Facades

In the construction of commercial building facades, especially those involving masonry or concrete work, concrete nail manufacturing machines play a vital role. The nails produced are used for attaching fixtures, claddings, and external decorative elements to buildings. They ensure a secure attachment, maintaining the aesthetic and structural integrity of the building exteriors.

Railway Sleeper Manufacturing

In railway sleeper manufacturing, concrete nails are crucial for securing rail fastening systems. The nails created by these machines are designed to withstand heavy loads and vibrations in railway use, ensuring safe and accurate track alignment, enhancing railway safety. Awnail offers a range of machine solutions that can complement the needs of this sector.

3 Considerations When Buying Concrete Nail Making Machine

#1 Production Capacity

Evaluating the production capacity is crucial when selecting a concrete nail making machine. It’s important to choose a machine that not only meets the current production needs but also has the potential to accommodate future business growth. For instance, if the current demand is 10,000 nails per day, consider a machine with a capacity of at least 20% more to account for potential business expansion.

#2 Machine Size and Workspace Compatibility

The size of the machine and its compatibility with the workspace are key factors. It’s essential to ensure that the machine fits comfortably in the available space, with adequate room for operators to work safely and efficiently. Workspace overcrowding can lead to operational inefficiencies and safety hazards. Awnail taking this into consideration, offers space-compatible machines for the convenience of every client.

#3 Compatibility with Various Nail Sizes

Choosing a concrete nail making machine that accommodates a variety of nail sizes is crucial for versatility in production. Such machines enable businesses to cater to a wide range of projects, from small-scale tasks to large construction jobs. This flexibility not only broadens the market reach but also enhances the machine’s utility, making it a valuable asset for diverse nail production needs.

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Ready for Change? Take Action with Our Wire Concrete Coil Steel Iron Screw Roofing Nail Making Machine

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